
My name is Jake Gehri. I am from Buckley, WA and currently reside in New York City, where I work as an Investment Banking Analyst for Rothschild & Co. I graduated from Yale University in 2022 where I majored in Economics and Global affairs, and played on the Yale Baseball team.

I am interested in Artificial Intelligence and am self-taught in (mostly) everything I know about it. I am looking to pursue graduate studies in computer science (artificial intelligence) in the near future.


Yale University New Haven, CT

B.A. in Economics | August 2018 - May 2022
B.A. in Global Affairs | August 2018 - May 2022


Rothschild & Co., New York, NY | July 2022 – Present
Analyst, Investment Banking Division, Financial Sponsors Group

Pharos Global Health Advisors, Boston, MA | August 2021 – January 2022
Financial Consultant

Selected Projects

Syllogism Validation with BERT. Given two premises this validation model can classify validity with 85% accuracy on a 50/50 split dataset.

Counting Cards: Computer vision classifier for playing cards. A PyTorch playing card multi-label classifier from scratch. Basic CNN, EfficientNet with & without augmentation. Achieves 98% accuracy.